I took a lot of pictures to use as inspiration for book 4 of the Deliverers Series (okay, so I did think a little about writing, but it wasn't about book 3). There's going to be a little bit of time travel back to the Revolution involved, so the trip was just what the doctor ordered.

In any event, I returned ready and raring to go, and that's just what I did. I wrote 2,800 words on The Golden Dragon of Ang, bringing the word total to 56,650 over 247 pages and 58 chapters. I'm working my way through the climactic scene and then it will be on to the denouement and the first draft will be complete. You'll be hearing all about it in the coming weeks.

While on vacation, I received a photo from a young reader named Ryan--all of seven years old. He had made a Lego display of his favorite summer reading book for a contest at his local library. He chose The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel. I posted it to Facebook that day (all right, I suppose I thought about blogging and Facebook on my vacation a little bit, too). The picture is at the right. Can you guess who everyone is? Here is the lineup: front row- Hallo (short legs) with axe, Eric with torch, Kate with bow. Back row - Dwarf king with short legs and sword, Sharky, the Guardian of the Jewel.
Platform- black powder barrel, mini-scale mountain with jewel on top and Bolliwog. Quite a nice display, I think. Thank you again, Ryan!
When I returned from vacation, I stumbled across a review of the audio version of Sharky and the Jewel that I did not know was out there. It was by Martha of Martha's Bookshelf, and it was a really great review. In it she praises the storytelling of Jimm Singer, who really did a fantastic job of narrating the book. If you have not had a chance to take a listen, then you really should. The book is digital and can be dowloaded and played on your cell or e-reader or ipod, etc. You can check out a preview on Amazon HERE. Oops--the one thing I did not do over vacation was try to sell books, so I guess it's kind of backed up.
Oh well. While I'm at it, don't forget that The Deliverers 2 is out now in paperback and Kindle! Okay, enough selling. I did manage to sell a few books this week, so things are starting to move along. The new book also received a couple of great reviews on Amazon as well, so this was definitely a great week! Thanks for all your continued support, and I look forward to sharing some more news next time!
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