Today is Abby's Gotcha Day (9 years ago).... Just this week she wrote this up after interviewing Greg and I. I thought it captured the spirit of our little girl! (She said I could post it on facebook if I paid her $0.50, lol... I did!) In her words....
TRIP to CHINA by: Abigail Jiao Ying

On my mom and dad's way to china to get their second baby they met my china sisters' parents by picking up their information in New York State and getting to meet everyone. When it was time to go to China they all got together again and went on the same plane. After that, they got off the plane and it was dark outside in China and the first place they went to is Hong Kong because they were going to stay the night there that day. Then they all flew on another plane to the mainland of China. they also filled out more papers and went into the new hotel, unpacked and did much more.

When we got home we went to a restaurant and I met my grandparents and some cousins. When I got home I got greeted by a lovely sign saying: (WELCOME HOME ABIGAIL!!) Everyone was excited. I still see my china sisters today and celebrate Chinese New Year with them and go on fun trips too. I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!! I also have a Chinese book that shows pictures in china, money and all other things!!!
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